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Delaware Valley’s Environmental Policy

March 23, 2024

Embracing Sustainability: Our Environmental Commitment at Delaware Valley Corporation

At Delaware Valley Corporation, we’re not just about manufacturing non-woven textiles, we’re about doing it responsibly. With our commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship, it’s clear how we understand the impact of our operations on the planet. As a leading producer of sustainable commercial textiles, we recognize the sheer importance of minimizing our impact for a healthier ecosystem.

Our Environmental Philosophy

Our journey began with an awareness of the environmental implications of our manufacturing processes. We understand that every yard of fabric we produce reduces the Earth’s finite supply of petroleum-based resources and potentially generates waste and consumes significant energy. This understanding has shaped our commitment to not just comply with environmental laws but to set new standards for sustainable textile manufacturers.

Strategic Environmental Policies

Our goal is straightforward: to minimize our impact on the planet’s ecosystem. We’ve embraced state-of-the-art technologies and common sense to guide our operations. Our strategies include optimizing the efficiency of our production processes to eliminate pollutants released to the air and water and reduce raw material usage, reclaiming 100% of our fabric waste stream, and prioritizing raw materials produced from regenerated waste streams. Moreover, we’re on a path to self-sufficiency in electricity through solar power, aiming to replace 100% of our consumption with renewable energy within the next decade.

Innovative Practices and Energy Savings

Innovation lies at the heart of our environmental policies. The installation of solar PV on our facility’s roof and the implementation of air-to-air heat exchangers in our production areas exemplify our energy-saving efforts. These measures, alongside our low-energy lighting systems equipped with occupancy sensors, significantly reduce our energy consumption.

Our participation in the OTA case study showcased our waste heat recovery initiative, further demonstrating our commitment to energy efficiency. The installation of a 103Kw Solar Power Generation Array has been a milestone in our journey, reducing our electrical usage by approximately 10%. And, with our application for a 300kw array for 2024, we hope to replace a total of 40% of our electrical demand.

Our Journey Towards Zero Waste

Transitioning from liquid latex coating to thermal bonding of our base fibers marked a pivotal moment in our environmental stewardship. This change not only eliminated non-recyclable production waste of coated fabric trimmings but also showcased our innovative approach to manufacturing through removing any waste going into the environment (water and air pollution). Our efforts extend beyond production; we’re dedicated to reducing solid waste to zero through conservation and recycling, aiming to make Delaware Valley Corporation an almost zero waste operation.

Partner With Delaware Valley Corporation for Sustainable Textiles

At Delaware Valley Corporation, we strongly believe that our actions today will shape the world we leave for future generations. By embracing sustainability in every aspect of our operations, including our sustainable textiles, we strive to lead the industry by example and encourage others to join us in this important journey. Together, we can make a significant impact on promoting sustainable practices and ensuring the health of our planet.

Join us as we continue to pave the way for sustainable manufacturing!

2 thoughts on “Delaware Valley’s Environmental Policy

  1. I’m truly impressed by Delaware Valley Nonwovens’ commitment to environmental responsibility outlined in your policy. It’s inspiring to see a company actively taking steps to minimize its ecological footprint while maintaining high standards in nonwoven fabric production. Keep up the great work in sustainable manufacturing!

    1. Thank you for your kind words and support. We are all in this together and each of us needs to step up and do our part.

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